

Since our inception, Lead-Forte Gate College has won several accolades in academic and co-curricular activities. Our students have achieved outstanding results in external examinations over the years and have always accomplished a 100% transition to the university for further studies in Nigeria and overseas after graduation from the school.  In addition, a good number of our students have obtained scholarship scores in Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) that have guaranteed them scholarships in American Universities.

  • A full scholarship score of 1460 in SAT – 2021
  • GT Masters Cup, Female Football Competition (2021) – 1st Position
  • COBIS Visual Art Competition, 2021 – 1st Position
  • AISEN Drama Competition (2021) – 1st Position
  • International Life Skills Olympiad (2019) – 3rd Position
  • GT Masters Cup, Female Football Competition (2019) – 1stPosition
  • International School Award (ISA) 2019
  • AISEN Debate and Public Speaking Competition for KS3 (2019) – 1st Position
  • AISEN Debate and Public Speaking Competition for KS4 (2019) – 3rd Position
  • Shell/NNPC National Essay Competition (2018) – 2nd Position
  • STEM Competition for Senior Secondary School (2017) – 1st Position
  • AISEN Science Competition for KS3 (2017) – 1st Position
  • AISEN Table Tennis for KS3 Girls (2017) – 2nd Position
  • AISEN Table Tennis for KS4 Girls (2017) – 2nd Position
  • AISEN Award of Commitment (2016)
  • Science & Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

(STEM) Competition for Girls (2016) – 1st Position

  • AISEN Athletic Championship (2016) – 1st Position
  • Literary and Creative Writing Competition, CLAYS (2016) – 1st Position
  • UNESCO Award of Excellence (2014)
  • A full scholarship score of 1,500 / 1600 in SAT 2022
  • Outstanding Cambridge Learner Award in IGCSE 2022

Lead-Forte Gate College continues to soar higher, break new grounds and set the pace in the educational landscape.


The estab­lish­ment of a well-structured and lead­er­ship ori­ented class­rooms and school envi­ron­ment should include not only the teacher, but also par­ents’ par­tic­i­pa­tion and the com­mu­nity, all in part­ner­ship work­ing towards a com­mon denom­i­na­tor; a happy and suc­cess­ful Lead-Forte Gate Col­lege Family.

Learn­ing is not only through “Chalk and board” and “one size fits all”. It does not only take place in the class­room. Wher­ever one trav­els, meet­ing new peo­ple and vis­it­ing inter­est­ing places per­mit learning.

Ever since the inception of the college, our students have represented the school both locally and internationally in various Mathematics Olympiad, Arts and Creativity, Singing Competitions and host of others.

Lead-Forte Gate the School I love to go,
A citadel of knowledge
Lead-Forte Gate a home away from home
Leading to a bright future

We want every student to be successful; to reach for success from the very first day they join us and throughout their school lives so that when they leave us, they have a love of learning for the rest of their lives

Our faculty members challenge their students, share insights gained through professional experience and communicate the knowledge they’ve spent a lifetime acquiring.